BBC BASIC for Windows
General >> Suggestion Box >> New modes for larger resolution monitors

New modes for larger resolution monitors
Post by AndrewCool on Feb 3rd, 2017, 03:44am

As directed, a re-post from Wiggio.


Is there any hope of moving beyond the 1920 x 1440 pixel
size limit on screen size?

I now use a 5k monitor (Dell UP2715K) at work, on which even a 4k image, displayed 1:1, has a significant border around it on the 5120x2880 pixel screen.

A 1920x1440 BB4W window is not even a quarter of the monitor area, and is a limitation on the use of BB4W.

I also use 2560x1600 monitors at work and home.

I note too that Alan Roberts has chimed in about his use of
"..images to UHD and DCI resolutions, that's up to 4096x2160 .."

Nvidia are apparently working on supporting 8k monitors!!
Granted, they're not going to be common fare any day soon,
but there's no apparent end to the March of the Pixels.

BB4W needs to keep up at the risk of becoming the old nag in the stables that no one rides anymore... ;-)

