BBC BASIC for Windows
General >> Support and Promote >> TEAMSPEAK for BB4W

Post by Michael Hutton on May 23rd, 2010, 06:30am

Hi all,

Have recently used teamspeak for another purpose (*cough* game) but was wondering what the interest would be to set up a TeamSpeak sever for BB4W?

1. It would be a good place to meet and discuss programming problems or talk to the expert(s)! (If they feel inclined!)

2. I don't know the mechanics of setting up a server or if even you have to rent a server? Or could someone run the server on a laptop at home for instance? (I am looking into this one right now).

3. I realise some people are all over the world, but this shouldn't be too much of a problem.

If people are interested I would like to hear their opinions.

Post by Michael Hutton on May 23rd, 2010, 3:37pm

So, it seems like you haven't really made up your mind on the issue.... rolleyes

To others who may be interested:

It might be a place a lonely but helpful programmer could hover to talk to BB4W newbies and direct them to the right place in the manual or a bit of code in the wiki. I was reading today that you can even swap files via it. It is a sort of sparked up internet relay chat.

I will be looking into trying to set up a simple server and see what the take up is.

If anyone would like to communicate further about this, or even ask a bog standard "How do I do this or that?" you can try me on my Skype account which is "michael.hutton2" (Australian Network)- obviously not with the quotes. If I am in and hanging around I would be willing to help, or if I can point you in the right place in the manual that is not a problem. Of course, more technical questions might get a "duh?" response... but we'll see...!

Post by admin on May 23rd, 2010, 9:12pm

on May 23rd, 2010, 3:37pm, Michael Hutton wrote:
If anyone would like to ... ask a bog standard "How do I do this or that?" you can try me on my Skype account which is "michael.hutton2"

I would modestly (!) suggest that if anybody has such a query they are more likely to receive an accurate reply by asking me. I prefer email contact (I check my inbox at least twice a day) but if somebody wants to speak to me I can often be reached on +44 136 638 6281 during UK office hours.

Post by specsdude on Mar 18th, 2011, 2:47pm

If someone took the time, they could write a automated help program, which would answer queries.

Is there a way of having programs that respond to stimuli from a Web Browser, eg. IE? So you could click on a form button on this site that said "Ask the Help Robot", then you could chat with the bot, or send a message?

I have no experience with the web, so this is new ground for me. I know some HTML, but that's the most of it.
Post by JonR on Mar 19th, 2011, 09:57am

There's already a live chat space for BB4W which seems to be sigificantly under used and seems there's no call for a TeamSpeak space.

specsdude, the whole Web is made up of programs that respond to stimulus from browsers, they're called web servers! Whilst it would be a couple of hours work to set up a web site where someone could chat with a robot writing the robot is a more difficult proposition. You could start with an existing bot like A.L.I.C.E and add a BB4W knowledgebase, let us know when you're done.

Post by admin on Mar 19th, 2011, 10:20am

on Mar 19th, 2011, 09:57am, JonR wrote:
There's already a live chat space for BB4W which seems to be sigificantly under used

Little used largely because it's so new, I expect (Yahoo launched Group Chat Live on February 1st 2011). Feel free to post a message on the group drawing attention to it.
